Safety is as crucial as picking the perfect destination when planning a trip. When the destination in question is as vibrant and culturally rich as New Orleans, it’s understandable to question whether the city’s charm outweighs its reputation for danger. Like many major cities in the US, it’s safe to visit New Orleans, although it’s important to learn about areas with higher crime rates, where safer safe neighborhoods are, and tips for tourists to stay secure while enjoying their visit. Here is some practical advice that will help you navigate the Big Easy more safely.

Yes – New Orleans is Safe to Visit

While it’s true that New Orleans has been tagged with a reputation for a higher crime rate than many other US cities, this doesn’t paint the full picture. Most incidents of serious crime tend to involve locals and are concentrated in specific areas that tourists rarely explore. In fact, the main tourist areas where you’re likely to spend your time are considerably safer. Here’s our insight based on years of observing and interacting with the dynamics of tourism in the city:

  • Tourists are less likely to face serious incidents.
  • High-crime areas are generally well-known and avoided by visitors.
  • Remaining vigilant can significantly mitigate risks.

Understanding New Orleans’ Safety Concerns

The perception of New Orleans as a dangerous city stems largely from its portrayal in the media and crime statistics that do not always tell the whole story. For example, while certain neighborhoods have high crime rates, these are not areas where tourists are likely to go. Understanding the full context is crucial:

  • The city’s overall crime rate is higher than the national average.
  • Most crimes involve residents rather than visitors.
  • Tourist-heavy areas like the French Quarter are closely monitored by police.

New Orleans is Not That Dangerous

Tips for Staying Safe in New Orleans

Staying safe in New Orleans doesn’t require any extraordinary measures beyond what is wise in any major city. Keeping a low profile and safeguarding your belongings will go a long way in ensuring a pleasant visit: Always be aware of your surroundings, especially at night.

  • Avoid displaying expensive gadgets or jewelry in public.
  • Stick to well-lit, populated paths only when traveling on foot.

Safest Areas to Visit in New Orleans

Certain areas in New Orleans are not just safe but are a must-see for any visitor. Neighborhoods like the Garden District, Uptown, and the French Quarter offer a rich taste of New Orleans’ culture with minimal risk:

  • These areas boast lower crime rates and are well patrolled.
  • They are near major attractions and offer numerous amenities.
  • Residential areas like Lakeview and Lakewood are quiet and safe, ideal for families.

Areas to Avoid in New Orleans

While exploring New Orleans, do not wander off alone and be aware of certain neighborhoods especially at night, known for higher crime rates to ensure your safety:

  • Central City: Known for gang activity and violent crime, this area can be dangerous, especially after dark.
  • Seventh Ward: Despite its cultural history, this neighborhood has a high crime rate and is best avoided by tourists.
  • St. Claude: This area has significant issues with crime and particularly violent offenses.
  • Florida Area: Located in the Lower Ninth Ward, this neighborhood has a high rate of violent crimes and is considered unsafe for tourists.
  • Tulane-Gravier: Near the medical district, this area has high incidences of property crimes and some violent crime.


Public Transport and Night Travel in New Orleans

Using public transportation during the day in New Orleans is generally safe, and the streetcars offer a scenic way to see the city’s historic sites. However, at night, alternative transport methods are recommended:

  • The NORTA GoMobile app is invaluable for planning your route and buying tickets.
  • Ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft or a taxi are safer options for night travel. Be sure to confirm your driver’s photo and plate number before entering the vehicle.
  • Avoid isolated bus stops and stations after dark.

Is New Orleans Safe to Visit?

Know That Natural Disasters Can Occur

Traveling to New Orleans does carry the risk of encountering severe weather, particularly during the hurricane season from July to October. Staying informed and preparing for such eventualities is essential:

  • Check the weather forecast regularly before and during your trip.
  • Understand and follow local guidance for severe weather.
  • Consider travel insurance that covers natural disaster disruptions.

Be Aware of Petty Crime

While serious crime is less of a concern for tourists, petty crime such as pickpocketing and scams do exist, especially in crowded tourist areas like the French Quarter during peak seasons. However, a few simple precautions can help you avoid these minor yet annoying disruptions:

  • Be mindful of your belongings in crowded places.
  • Ignore street con artists and walk away from suspicious bets or games.
  • Secure your purse or wallet and avoid keeping them in easily accessible pockets.

Being Safe During Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is a fantastic time to experience the essence of New Orleans, but it also brings additional safety considerations. The large crowds and festive atmosphere require a heightened awareness:

  • Keep a close watch on your drink and do not accept a drink from strangers. Keep an eye on personal items in crowded areas.
  • Plan your route back to your accommodation in advance.
  • Stay in groups and on well-lit main streets during late hours.

Is New Orleans Safe to Visit: It's Not That Dangerous during Mardi Gras

Key Takeaways on Safety in New Orleans

  • New Orleans can be a safe destination with proper precautions.
  • Choosing the right areas to stay and visit can enhance your security.
  • Awareness and preparation are your best tools for a safe trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the best time of year to visit New Orleans for safety?
    • Spring and early fall offer great weather with fewer safety concerns than the busier seasons like Mardi Gras and hurricane season.
  2. Are there any apps that can help improve my safety in New Orleans?
    • Yes, apps like the NORTA GoMobile for public transportation and local news apps for weather and safety alerts are highly recommended.
  3. How do I handle a situation if I feel unsafe?
    • Seek a crowded place, contact local authorities, or use your phone to call an Uber or Lyft to leave the area immediately.
  4. Can I enjoy New Orleans nightlife safely?
    • Absolutely, but always stay in groups, stick to well-known areas, and plan your transportation ahead of time.
  5. What should I do if I encounter a natural disaster while in New Orleans?
    • Follow local emergency instructions, stay indoors if advised, and keep communication lines open with your embassy if you are an international visitor.

By understanding the real risks and preparing accordingly, you can safely enjoy the rich culture, delicious food, and vibrant atmosphere of New Orleans.